First Garden or Updating? 3 Things to Consider

First Garden or Updating?  3 Things to Consider

First Garden? 3 Things to Consider

photo courtesy of Bing

This year’s gardening season is nearing in most areas of the world. So if you have decided this year you’re going to plant your first garden, if your garden this past year didn’t produce as well as you had hoped. or your garden last year was so awesome you want to expand for this year! Then this is an article worth your time. There are a number of choices that you need to make for  year that you really should begin scoping out now before the next planting season. Right now spring seems eons away but truthfully it really is just around the corner and the time to begin planning and by gathering supplies now before hand it spreads the associated costs out across several months. So get busy and check this out!

 Your First Garden: 3 Crucial Questions


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