DIY Caltrops

DIY Caltrops

DIY Caltrops

Photo by Tim Anderson

Caltrops are a medieval defensive weapon originally used to maim soldiers and their horses on the battlefield. These little sharp star spikes would be spread across the battlefield and woe was the fate of those horses or men who stepped on them. Infection under battle conditions was a deadly weapon. After a total collapse SHTF scenario they could become again the passive weapon of choice used to slow approaching vehicles and preventing the unauthorized trespass of would be marauders

These are not legal defense items and should only be considered for use under dire conditions where law enforcement agencies are no longer operational.  Even under those circumstances it would be much wiser to use them on the roadways entering the area you are trying to protect. Very few vehicles have totally puncture proof tires and this would indeed slow them enough for you to be at the ready. Spreading them elsewhere would require marking the locations to prevent your own livestock or group members from becoming injured. Marking them would also alert exactly those that you wish to defend against that they have found an armed or ready encampment where there is something of value for them to gain by attacking. Much better to put them where they are visible to those who know they are there and where only those uninvited guests might be lurking.

Be aware that in many locations through out the world currently having procession of caltrops may be illegal even if not deployed due to their use by vandals and others wishing to interfere with police activity. However knowing about them could protect you from accidently failing victim to these crippling little stars and give you the knowledge to assist in protecting your location should it ever become necessary. Better to have information that you hopefully will never need rather than not having the information and be in need of it. Should you desire to continue see the link below

Instant Caltrops


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