OCOKA Post SHTF Home Defense

OCOKA Post SHTF Home Defense

OCOKA Post SHTF Home Defense

Photo from SHTF Plan

If you think very logically and truthfully put yourself in the shoes of first responders during a major SHTF event, you will most likely determine that the services we depend upon to rescue us will be busy rescuing themselves. The majority of law enforcement folks who speak up on this subject admit although they would like to say they would stay at their posts, save lives, stop looters, prevent violence and restore order. Their first true response would be to save themselves and those they love and once they feel that they have accomplished that task would then attempt to return to duty.

With every rule of course there are exceptions and there will indeed be people who will continue to do what they do to save others in spite of their concern for themselves and families. How much can we realistically expect these limited number of people to do? By the time that those who intend to return to duty get back to their posts, will their posts still exist? Will there still be a chain of command to report to? We understand that every day some of these good folks put their lives on the line to save others. We see and hear the stories of the selfless firefighter who runs into the burning building rather than away from it . But in those situations their own families and loved ones are not under the gun so to speak. If two homes next to each other are engulfed in flames with both families still inside those structures and one of those homes is your own…. which house are you likely to deal with first? Speaking to this is not intended to reduce any amount of heroism shown by these good people everyday but only to state the obvious, they are people too. They share the self preservation gene right along with the rest of humanity. No one can really say for sure that they themselves would do differently.

This means that should a major crisis occur that effects everyone in the area or even the country that we civilians are going to be left to our own devices to protect ourselves and those we love. Most of us are not trained in tactical defense and even those that are, have been trained to deal with such events on a less personal level. How you react to a situation can vary a great deal when it is your home, your family, your loved ones or yourself that is in danger.

For information on the tactical defense method called OCOKA which stands for Observation and fields of fire, Cover and Concealment, Obstacles, Key Terrain, Avenues of Approach see the link below.

Defensive Strategies for Home and Retreat Defense after the SHTF


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