Homemade Condiments: Mayo, Mustard, & Ketchup

Homemade Condiments: Mayo, Mustard, & Ketchup

Homemade Condiments: Mayo, Mustard, & Ketchup

Photos: homesteadrevival-goodthinggrow-2bleu

One thing that is almost always mentioned in the comments whenever people talk about what they will miss after a major SHTF event are condiments. It didn’t take much thought on my part to realize I would actually really miss them as well. Mustard is available in dry form and I actually have used it in cooking, but haven’t tried it as a condiment. So I went in search of highly rated recipes to make the most commonly used mayo, mustard, and ketchup. Each of these recipes can be canned so you can stock up on your homemade version without spending a bunch and control both the strength and freshness of ingredients without any unnatural unpronounceable additives.

See what I found linked below

Homemade Mayonnaise

Amish Homemade Mustard

Homemade Ketchup

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 Homemade Condiments: Mayo, Mustard, & Ketchup