The Best Natural Antibiotics And How To Use Them

The Best Natural Antibiotics And How To Use Them

The Best Natural Antibiotics And How To Use Them

Photo: foodmatters

Long before there were pills for infections and illnesses our grandparents used natural plants to treat themselves and others. This is true in every culture and for every nation. Many of today’s medicines come from those ancient remedies and antibiotics.

Once pills and commercially made elixirs came into fashion for the most part they replaced the remedies of old. If traditional medicine should become unavailable these old antibiotics could make all the difference between life and death. But for them to be of value to us then, we must learn again how and when to use them. Never replace your doctor’s advice with a nontraditional remedy and always confer with your doctor before using any home remedy or supplement to avoid the possibility of interactions or allergic reactions.

Learn how to use the old antibiotics our grandparents or great grandparents did at the featured link below

The Best Natural Antibiotics Our Grandparents Used Instead Of Pills And How To Use Them


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