Introducing the HERC Oven

Introducing the HERC Oven

 Introducing the HERC Oven

Photo graphic: preparedhousewives

Power outages, fuel shortages, or a long term SHTF event can all be good reason to know about or have a Herc oven. Of course, you could use your barbeque grill during these types of outages, but who wants to grill outdoors during a storm that is powerful enough to have knocked out your power? If you have a propane grill you may run out of fuel and either not have had the chance yet to refuel or in a long-term event fuel may no longer be available for that grill. Add to the idea that this can be used safely indoors during times when it may not be wise to be outdoors due to a storm, looters, or hungry masses drawn by the smell of your cooking and it is an interesting supply to have! Continue to learn about the herc oven at the following link

Introducing the HERC Oven: Powered by Tealight Candles


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