DIY Ammo Box Grill

DIY Ammo Box Grill

DIY Ammo Box Grill

Photos: tfs27

I do like the recycling and reuse of an ammo box. They just seem too sturdy and useful to toss away if not being used as originally intended.  I have seen them repurposed to faraday cages, storage boxes, and even a mini bar. This post has it’s reuse to being a portable grill.

A portable grill is a really useful item to have when camping, hiking, hunting, or bugging out. Because of the enforced construction they are perfect for a heavy duty use like grilling. Yet compact enough to just toss in the trunk of your car when heading off to a camp site, emergency use if stranded and if needed during a bug out scenario.

See the instructions on converting an old ammo can to a portable grill from tfs27 as shown on Instructables at the featured link below

Ammo Box Grill

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