Leave No Trace – Covert Camping

Leave No Trace – Covert Camping

Leave No Trace - Covert Camping

Photo source: pathofthepaddle.uk.co

Leaving no trace behind when you camp is a positive for the environment, for the wildlife, and the enjoyment of others using the forest. It is also a good skill to think about as preppers especially if your plan is to bug out to a wooded area. If you do end up camping along the way to your bug out location or if it is for any reason necessary for you or your group to keep moving, leaving no trace and camping covertly is smart for avoiding detection and the possibility of being followed for any reason. The fewer signs that anyone was there, the better the chance that you will remain undetected.

For basic tips on leaving no trace see the link below and for a deeper look at the steps see the link contained in the article.

Covert Camping And “Leave No Trace”


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