Teacher’s Invention Could Protect Your Child Plus School Safety Tips

Teacher’s Invention Could Save Your Child Plus School Safety Tips

Teacher’s Invention Could Save Your Child

Photo from WQAD8

A mass shooting at a school is among the most horrendous of crimes. The most innocent of victims and in a place where parents used to believe their children were safe. Even more terrifying as a parent is that the most common of the perpetrators are really just children themselves. It is my sincerest hope that we will learn how to catch and prevent these horrible scenarios before they happen and that the children turned perpetrators will be identified and receive assistance and an intervention prior to any violence.

There are some steps that can be taken before a tragedy occurs to perhaps prevent it before it happens and if that is not possible to keep your child as safe as possible during such an event.

  • Listen to your child’s verbal and physical cues before they become overwhelmed. If your child suddenly doesn’t want to go to school, begins to self-isolate, develops unhealthy behavior patterns, etc… Find out why. Often the children that become violent felt bullied and unable to cope prior to the act.
  • Encourage your child to report to you or another adult any strange or scary behavior shown by a classmate. Make sure they understand that in those circumstances isn’t being a tattletale.
  • Take any threat made by or to your child seriously. Never just assume it’s normal teen angst. What is a small thing to you, could be deadly serious to your child.
  • Teach your child to turn off their phone ringer during school hours but to keep it with them so if trapped they can still call for assistance but won’t have broken school rules regarding phone usage during school hours.
  • Reassure your child it is ok to break a window, unlock a door, or use any method possible to exit the building and that the normal classroom rules do not apply in these situations.
  • Let your child know that it is ok to exit the building if they can even if they have been told to duck and cover.
  • Tell your child to run in a zig zag pattern if in an open space and they hear or see danger.
  • Make sure the child knows to avoid no exit rooms if hiding, like washrooms or closets with only one way in and out.
  • Teach the child what materials make a good cover in their location, i.e… a chair won’t protect them from a bullet.
  • Keep your firearms locked and unloaded with the ammunition stored separately in your home to avoid your child or one of their friends from using your weapon on their contemporaries.
  • Never assume your child or a child you know isn’t capable of this kind of violence.

** Update:  It is a sad state of affairs when something like this invention is needed. But what saddens me further is that the featured article is from 2014 and no device, not this one nor any other has been distributed to our schools to help protect our most precious of assets… our children! You would think that after all these years we would have come up with something that works well enough to stop the violence.  I personally am tired of hearing thoughts and prayers in response to school shootings and want to hear proposals and see them implemented. See this teacher’s idea at the link below

Muscatine teacher’s invention could save your child’s life


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