Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet

Graphic from emech.nz.co

I kind of see my bug out bag like a child I am nurturing and watching  grow. Like an infant it started off light and lean with few frills. But as I tend to each scenario that is possible in my location and learn more and more about what would make surviving easier and what I might need my bag has become a unruly demanding toddler. It’s time to put my bag on a diet! I realize that I may be walking out of here carrying that baby! I would hope to leave in a vehicle, but factually that may not be possible. I will be taking some of the tips in the featured article to heart and reducing the weight of the bag one way or another! Check out those tips at the following link.

5 Tips to Put Your Bug Out Bag on a Diet


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