Stocking Fish Antibiotics for SHTF

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Stocking Fish Antibiotics for SHTF

fish antibiotics


I have seen a lot of survival and prepping sites discuss the use of fish medications for humans after along term SHTF event that leaves us without appropriate medical care. I use herbal treatments myself and I am still undecided if aquarium medications are wise. I know when I need something for an infection. But don’t always know which one would be the best to take and or give an ill patient. So I decided to do some research and share it with you.

My first question of course are they safe for humans?

Are Fish Antibiotics Safe for Human Consumption?

Fish antibiotics in survival settings – what you should know.

Fish Antibiotics For Humans: A Safe Option For Your Survival Kit?


So, if I decide they are safe and decide to stock them. What antibiotic is good for which infection?

Survival Antibiotics

Which ones should I stock and where should I get them?

Fish Antibiotics For Preparedness

Fish Antibiotics – Step 2: Ciprofloxacin


I hope that the links provided help you decide if stocking these antibiotics are the right thing for your preps or not. No one but you can decide what is best for you or your family. Other things you might want to consider is allergies to antibiotics that you or a family might have, drug interactions that might be specific to your situation, and the availability of prescribed medications that you already have stocked. I always advise speaking to your doctor prior to an emergency situation and explaining your concerns. You may be surprised to find how receptive he/she might be to helping you make those decisions.


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