How to Know if There is a Fever Without a Thermometer

How to Know if There is a Fever Without a Thermometer

Got a Fever? How to Know Without a Thermometer

Photo: howstuffworks

Another shortage currently being experienced due to the virus is thermometers. If you didn’t have one before the breakout you will have a hard time finding them now. In any emergency scenario a thermometer may not be your first thought for survival equipment! That is until someone gets sick.

Knowing how high a fever is can be very important even when it’s not terribly high. But in general, the higher your body temperature the sicker you are. Knowing that you’re running a temperature can be the first indicator of a number of illnesses.

So, if you find yourself without a thermometer and you or someone else isn’t feeling up to par, how do you tell if they or you are running a fever. It’s an age-old process used by moms for generations long before the advent of thermometers. See the how-to instructions at the link below

How to Check a Fever Without a Thermometer


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