25 Ancient Remedies That Used To Be Common Knowledge

25 Ancient Remedies That Used To Be Common Knowledge

 25 Ancient Remedies That Used To Be Common Knowledge

Photo: absolutethai.com

If you have followed this site for any period of time, you know that I always say that modern pharmaceuticals initially began by processing old remedies for mass production.  That’s why I always follow up with the warning that these plants, spices, and herbs are indeed real medications, and the same caution should be shown when using as you would with a prescribed drug. Always check with your doctor to insure there isn’t an allergy nor an interaction with something you are already using.

After a long term SHTF event when professional medical care isn’t readily available, these ancient remedies could come in real handy and perhaps save your patient’s life. Learn them from the featured link below

 25 Ancient Remedies That Used To Be Common Knowledge

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