Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion

Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion

 Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion


The very first home invasion I remember was the infamous Tate murders. Unless you live in distant Siberia you also heard about Charles Manson‘s plot that resulted in the deaths of the people inside the Tate home that night. More than a few of us breathed a sigh of relief upon his recent death.

Since that first well known home invasion, sadly it is a crime that has escalated over time. We see security tapes on the nightly news all the time depicting home invasions playing out unsuccessfully. It’s the successful ones we don’t see tapes of and only learn the results of from the news anchor as they announce they are searching for the perpetrators and that the family is mourning the loss of loved ones or precious items.

Items can be replaced, people can’t. Take heed of the things that you should never do from More than Just Survival linked below in case you should find yourself in this life threatening event

5 Things You Should Never Do During a Home Invasion


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