10 Foods That Don’t Store Well

10 Foods That Don’t Store Well

10 Foods That Don't Store Well

Photo: oddcalendar.blogspot.com

Store what you eat, and eat what you store. The golden rule of stockpiling. But some foods store longer and better than others.

In this case we have a list of storage items that didn’t work out so well for the author. But I do find I disagree on a couple of items on Survival Mom’s list. That doesn’t mean the list isn’t good, it just means that our needs are different. I do store both tuna and salad dressings. She is correct older stored tuna is still safe to eat, but it does become a bit mushy and I find the taste then becomes a bit stronger as well. But if you are planning to heat it for tuna melts or hot dishes that doesn’t matter. For salad dressings I too make my own for salads, but my family loves dressings as dipping sauces so we do go through them before they go bad. I would rather in a crisis scenario use my oil for other uses when a substitute just won’t do and use the salad dressing as intended during that time.

My point being think about your own eating habits when stockpiling and what your family uses different products for when you purchase. Use the list linked below as a guideline to assist you in doing that.

The Top 10 Foods to NOT Store!

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