Anyone can Catch the MRSA Superbug – How to Protect Yourself

Anyone can Catch the MRSA Superbug

How to Protect Yourself

 Anyone can Catch the MRSA Superbug – How to Protect Yourself


MRSA really is a the plague of infections. It can develop in the most unseemly of injuries or illnesses almost at random and it’s highly contagious.

The author of our featured article speaks about a co-worker who came down with it and spread it to her spouse. I’ve had the opposite experience with it. For awhile we had a set of twin baby boys in our home. They slept together, bathed together, ate together etc.. One got MRSA and the other did not, nor did anyone else in our home. But in their previous placement, two of the other children did develop the infection. Why one twin and not the other? What caused it to infect others in one place and not in the other? This is part of what makes it so insidious. It really can come out of the blue and it doesn’t appear to be an infection that just picks on the weak or the ill. In our experience the twin with the infection did survive and his brother never did come down with it.  But this young man now a teenager has a large hole type scar from where it literally ate away his flesh.

Not an infection that is easily treatable nor pleasant to experience and it can be deadly in the most egregious way eating away at you. In a SHTF scenario where medical care and hygiene become less comprehensive, it will be a serious issue to avoid and deal with. Learn how from Apartment Prepper at the link below

 Anyone can Catch this Superbug – Learn How to Protect Yourself 


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