121 Homesteading Skills-Updated to 145

121 Homesteading Skills-Updated to 145

121 Homesteading Skills

Graphic by Pioneer Settler

As the featured article says, homesteading is a whole lot more than just growing your own food. It is a very self-reliant lifestyle. Not just in feeding our families but in housing them, keeping them warm, clothing them, and keeping them safe. No one person can possibly learn to do everything on their own that it takes to run a homestead and that no one can become an expert at every skill needed.

Homesteading is often seen as an all or nothing lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be. But the more you learn the more independent you become and the more you know when you need that expert. Bartering for those skills can help with that. Take a look at the 121 homesteading skills listed at the link below. But don’t let them overwhelm you,  no one expects you to be able to do them all. Learn from the list what you can do, what you may have to barter to have done and what you may need help with.

121 Homesteading Skills


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