Unsolicited Seeds Mailed Allegedly From China To Various States May Be Harmful

Unsolicited Seeds Mailed Allegedly From China To Various States May Be Harmful

Unsolicited Seeds Mailed Allegedly From China To Various States May Be Harmful

Photo: statesmanjournal

Usually I just bring you the story… this time I guess I am part of it. I did receive a package from China that said it was jewelry. I wondered about it at the time as I had not ordered any jewelry. Although addressed to me, I asked all household members if they had ordered any and everyone said they had not. So we opened the package looking for a receipt of some sort assuming it would have information on where the jewelry should have gone. Not only did we not find a receipt but no jewelry either. What we found was a sealed package that indicated that it contained seeds. I don’t recall ordering seeds, but assumed I must have and stuck them away with our emergency supplies.

Then about a week later I came across articles talking about others receiving similar packages unsolicited. Read about that and what officials are saying we should do with the seeds. I am grateful although that it did remind me it may be time to refresh my seed bank an order more… from a known source in the USA!

Agriculture Officials Warn Unsolicited Seeds Mailed Allegedly From China To Various States May Be Harmful


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