Top-Level Predator the Hammer Head Worm Found in Springfield

Top-Level Predator the Hammer Head Worm Found in Springfield

Top-Level Predator the Hammer Head Worm Found in Springfield

Photo: ksmu

Usually when we say something is a predator we are referring to a creature that attacks larger targets like animals or humans. In this case the hammer head worm attacks earthworms and other organisms that live in the dirt. Those earthworms and organisms create the nutrients that our gardens need to produce healthy edible crops.

Do these predatorial worms harm the soil? Will they cause growth issues for small gardens? Of those found the largest has been a foot long, how do you tell it from a snake? Where do they come from, and what do you do if you find on in your soil? See the answers and additional information at the featured link below

“Voracious, Top-Level Predator” Found In Springfield Home Gardens


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