Make Your Groceries Last Longer

Make Your Groceries Last Longer


Making Your Groceries Last Longer

photo courtesy of Buzzfeed

Everyone wants to save some money! Stretching your grocery budget, keeping your home grown produce and sale goods fresh and usable longer will do just that. Some of these tips can also help stretch your preps in an emergency situation when a trip to the store simply isn’t possible. Our friends over at have come up with 27 tips to help us store those expensive groceries and hard earned garden goods longer inexpensively. You may find you already have some of the items that they recommend recycling for this purpose. For instance there are few homes with ladies in them that don’t already have a pair or two of old pantyhose! Learn how use them and other tips by clicking on the titled link below.

27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible


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