Are you being watched? Or Reported?

Are you being watched? Or Reported?

Are you being watched ?

photo from SHTF Preparedness Central

Pre-SHTF privacy can be an issue! Here is how to tell if your in a single mirror or a two way mirror and most likely being observed!

A single regular one way mirror leaves a gap as pictured between you and the reflection when touching it, while a two way mirror doesn’t reflect the gap at all as it is layered glass. If you don’t see a gap.. check to see how the mirror is installed but you can pretty much assume it is a two way!

Why should you care? In more and more states things are being deemed “suspicious” and what you buy and in what quantity is being watched. In some parts of NY state there are even signs posted in surplus shops offering rewards for “suspicious” amounts of MREs etc.. purchased to be reported at $500 per head. They aren’t searching for preppers but for terrorists, who also stock up on surplus items…but who wants to be on that watch list?? )

Video below depicts one store employee’s reaction to being asked to post the sign asking fellow shoppers to report anyone they felt was “over stocking”



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