Asthma Symptoms, Treatment, & When Get Help

Asthma Symptoms, Treatment, & When Get Help

 Asthma Symptoms, Treatment, & When Get Help


Asthma is a deadly illness. It can strike young and old alike. Chances are you or someone you know will have an episode at least once in their lives. An episode can be set off by a particular set of circumstances or can be or become a regular issue in the patient’s life.

Knowing what to do can save your own or someone else’s life. One thing that the featured article linked below doesn’t specify and really should is that if you have an attack, once it is over you do need to seek out medical attention to determine if the issue was COPD or asthma. Knowing the difference is important as the medication required for treatment is different!

Asthma Attacks: Symptoms, Treatment, & When to Seek Help


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