COVID-19 Consumer Warnings

COVID-19 Consumer Warnings

COVID-19 Consumer Warnings

Photo Graphic: hotscams

Sadly in every crisis whether it be a devastating natural disaster or as we are experiencing today a global pandemic, there are always those nasty folks who will take advantage of the situation. The scammers are out in force due to the covid-19 outbreak. Selling bogus cures, selling fake tests, asking for information from people to send them free tests while in fact they intend to misuse the information to steal from the victim. The newest that I have heard about is telling especially seniors that they are from the treasury or social security department and need their info to get the stimulus check to them.

Note and remind your elderly family and friends, that there is no cure, in the USA tests are only authorized to be provided by a medical facility with a doctor’s order, they are not free nor can an official test be sent to you at this time. There is a company in the UK that is selling tests that anyone can order to be sent to the home, but they run about 250£ each and the accuracy of the results are not yet confirmed by any agency.  Additionally, if the government needs more information to insure they get your stimulus check to you they will send something by mail, or  you can check the treasury website for details. Never give your personal information out to anyone via phone when you didn’t initiate the call.

For more info on these scams and others, as well as where to report or check out suspicious claims see the featured link below from the FCC.

COVID-19 Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips


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