Using Plastic Bottles to Create Boats

Using Plastic Bottles to Create Boats

Using Plastic Bottles to Create Boats

photo: MandyFroelich

Plastic has become a major issue to our environment. One way of avoiding some of the damage our trash causes is to recycle and reuse it. Which is what Ismaël Essome Ebone of Cameroon is doing with his country’s plastic bottles and trash. He’s creating eco-boats for his countrymen.  Not only is this a good lesson on recycling but a creative challenge to making trash into something that could save you one day.

One thing that I believe without a doubt will still exist even after a major disaster or SHTF event is trash. The plastic bottle can be a survivors best resource for a number of things from carrying water to creating shelter and now boats. See why and how this young man came to do this project at the featured link below from Truth/Theory.

 Cameroon Activist Uses Plastic Bottles to Create Boats For His Community


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