DIY Emergency Stove From Soda Cans

DIY Emergency Stove From Soda Cans


Another example of how what today we throw out in the trash can be something that could become a very useful item in an emergency scenario. I do realize that these little alcohol stoves can be more difficult to use than is one that burns wood or another flammable material. However, if you are in a situation where a fire is dangerous for any reason i.e., it would give away your location, the fumes could become overwhelming or even so that you can save your fire flammables for use in keeping warm. Finding alcohol of some sort to fuel this neat little stove made from simple soda cans, could be your answer to a prayer. Not a huge flame but enough to boil some water for drinking or heating up a meal could make all the difference in a really bad scene.

See the instructions at the featured article below.

How to Make A Survival Stove with Two Soda Cans

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