DIY Waterproof Attire (Including Shoes)

DIY Waterproof Attire (Including Shoes)

 DIY Waterproof Attire

Photo: annrudkinwordpresscom

No one wants to be wet and cold, that is just a fact. However, you also can’t purchase everything you wear already waterproofed! If the disaster scenario that turns our world upside down is widespread there could be a scenario where waterproof anything isn’t available anymore. Especially if your plan A is to bug out, you already know that the combination of wet and cold is deadly.

Many of us, myself included live in areas where rainfall is par for the course and don’t want our boots or shoes ruined by sudden rainfall. But having it professionally done is expensive. Where I happen to reside, you can wake up to a bright sunny day and by the time you leave work you could be making a run for it in the pouring rain. I can’t count the number of shoes I have had ruined by this fact until I learned to waterproof my own.

The link below will give you step by step instructions on how to waterproof yourself!

How To Waterproof Your Clothes And Shoes


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