Expiration Date Cheat Sheet

Expiration Date Cheat Sheet





Expiration Date Cheat Sheet

Photo: Huffington Post

Expiration dates are a quandary for all stockpiles and even for those that just missed a product in their rotation and now find it expired. Safe or not safe?

I will always recommend you look more at the actual product than at the labeling. Even if it says it expires a year from now, it could be bad today and vice versa. Always check the can or packaging any damage, rust or bulging, if you find any, it’s not worth the risk and dispose of it. If it hisses or smells while opening, ditch it. If it smells different than you think it should, is discolored or appears to be an odd texture, again dispose of it. Basically, I am saying the usual “If in doubt throw it out”.

Expiration and best by dates are truthfully a guideline. If properly stored and well produced a product could last well beyond that date. Some are actually intended to be good well beyond the date. Below you will find a link from Ask A Prepper that provides a cheat sheet telling you how long “most” types of products are good after the date has passed and for how long passed. I of course urge you to take my advice and judge each individual product on it’s own… but a guideline can help you with your food rotation.

  Expiration Cheat Sheet Date for Everything!


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