You Could break the Law in California if you Shower & do Laundry in the Same Day

You Could break the Law in California if you Shower & do Laundry in the Same Day

 You Could break the Law in California if you Shower & do Laundry in the Same Day

Graphic: zerohedge

A salacious headline for sure. But is it accurate? It indeed could be. Californians are going to be restricted to 50 gallons of water usage a day. The average 8 minute shower and a single load of laundry could put you over that limit and earn you a $10,000.00 fine! This is due to the new water restrictions that are expected to become permanent in California.

Could these laws spread to other states? Of course they could! So even if you aren’t in the affected state take a look at the situation now at the featured link below from Zero Hedge

 It’s Now Against The Law In California To Shower And Do Laundry On The Same Day

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