How To Drive During Whiteout Conditions

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How To Drive During Whiteout Conditions

How To Drive During Whiteout Conditions


I know a number of you who live where these types of weather conditions are an annual event, will say how to drive safely if you must drive is common sense. I long counted myself among those numbers until I realized during one dark, terrifying ride down a winding mountain road in the mist of a an icy whiteout that it was more complex than that! I had driven on icy roads, and through snow all my life, but nothing in my recent past was as scary as that ride that night with one of my children in the car. I understood how terrifying it must be for those not experienced in driving in those kinds of adverse conditions just to get home from work during daylight hours!

Traversing those conditions is a skill, and like most skills it can be learned. Many of our southern friends are experiencing these weather and driving conditions for the first times in their lives. If you are one, continue at the link below From Ready Nutrition for some tips on how to maneuver through it and if you are an “old timer” give it a look to see if those are the moves you use, or if you can add to the tips…. then do so on our social media to help others.

How To Maneuver a Vehicle and Drive During Whiteout Conditions

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