Instances of SHTF Moments

Instances of SHTF Moments

Instances of SHTF Moments

Photo: offgridsurvival


There are a lot of people out there who poke fun at those of us who prepare for the worst case scenario. Although Some preppers can take it to the point of being obsessive or compulsive.  Generally the majority of preppers prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. They still continue living their lives as fully as those who don’t prepare.

The law in many countries requires you carry auto insurance including  the United States. Thus forcing the average citizen to prepare financially for an accident that they never plan to have. So what is the perceived problem with preparing for various SHTF situations?

Although a zombie apocalypse isn’t going to happen and being attacked by aliens is really a very remote possibility. To real world preppers these scenarios are really the basis for acronyms for pandemics (like Ebola) or world war.  There are many real situations in which have happened repeatedly in history and are likely to continue to reoccur.  Some even happen on an annual basis all over the world. Being prepared for those events can save the lives of yourself and your family. To continue reading click on the titled link below.

Are you ready to survive your own SHTF Moment?


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