John Hopkins ran a simulation pandemic in 2018. How did we do?

John Hopkins ran a simulation pandemic 2018. How did we do?

John Hopkins ran a simulation pandemic. How did we do?

Photos: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security -Shutterstock-Tonhom1009-John Moore-Getty

John Hopkins Hospital is one of the most well known research hospitals in the United States. They created a simulation of a pandemic based upon a new factious disease they called Clade X which was classified as an influence type virus. Then they followed the current protocol and measured the expected results forecast from previous epidemics and current resources.

How did we do? Find out in their report as recorded by the Business Insider linked below. Then hold on to your hat and get yourself prepared!

A leading medical institution created a simulation that shows how a new disease could kill 900 million people

and it reveals how unprepared we are

Update: As we know, such a virus did come to fruition just 2 yrs later. The illness described in the simulation is eerily covid-19 like.

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