Kim Jong Un orders pet dogs to be confiscated in North Korea

Kim Jong Un orders pet dogs to be confiscated in North Korea

Photo: usatoday

Now while I don’t and no one else should either, pretend to have any real clue on the thinking of Kim Jong Un. I highly doubt he is really concerned with how the pets of the elite within his country are viewed by us never mind citizens of his own country.

As a prepper I am aware of the uses of animals eaten on the regular in other countries for other than a food source. Among them, are those we actually love like members of our own families including horses, dogs, and cats. A horse is awesome off grid transportation, a dog an added layer of security, and a cat can serve as rodent/disease prevention and control. I personally am as adverse to eating one of them as I would be a rat.

However, when you are hungry even a rat could become a legit food source. We are aware via the condition of those defecting from North Korea that this is a country full of hungry people. So is he actually gathering up these animals for the sake of appearance or to add to the food supply?

Why should we care? Because hungry people are angry people and when angry people are encouraged to lash out at those that they see as responsible., they do. For the people of North Korea that is us in the western world.  See the story at the link below

Kim Jong Un orders pet dogs to be confiscated in North Korean capital Pyongyang

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