Should Children Be Taught How To Grow Food As Part Of Their Schooling?

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Should Children Be Taught How To Grow Food As Part Of Their Schooling?

Should Children Be Taught How To Grow Food As Part Of Their Schooling?

Photo: healthyfoodhouse

Growing food is a bit more complicated than tossing a few seeds in the dirt and adding water now and again. Preppers and homesteaders know this, but does the majority of the population?

I am always shocked at how many adults particularly young adults don’t know what is involved and those that do who don’t teach their children these skills. I do agree that this is a part of a parent’s responsibility. However, you can’t teach what you don’t know yourself and a number of today’s families live in smaller community spaces that either don’t have the room for a garden or have a HOA that doesn’t allow them to have one. So for city children even if the parents do want and know how to teach their children this skill they are limited in their ability to do so.

So the question becomes, should schools offer a class to children on how to grow their own food?  See  one opinion linked below

Children should be taught how to grow food in school and here’s why


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