Make and Store Electricity Before a Grid Collapse

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Make and Store Electricity Before a Grid Collapse

Make and Store Electricity Before a Grid Collapse


Our world runs on electricity for the most part. Very few parts of the world function without any electricity at all. Even in those locations where it’s not regularly available they use products produced with electricity like cloth or hand tools. It will be one of the first things second probably to clean water that we are desperate to reinstate after any disaster. So if you know how to make and store electricity for a time when the grid is down….. long or short term. You will be ahead of the curve and have a better chance of procuring the other necessities of survival. Check out the instructions and reasons for producing and storing power before a total grid collapse from Secrets of Survival at the featured link below

SHTF: How to Make and Store Electricity Before a Catastrophic Grid Collapse


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