Why Some Female Preppers Are Frustrated

Why Some Female Preppers Are Frustrated

Why Some Female Preppers Are Frustrated

Photo: collider.com

Our community is largely male. Often we forget that female preppers can be as well prepared as any male. But they can be and sometimes are delegated to the foraging, gardening, and food preservation portion of a family’s preparations without a thought. For some women this is a great match and allows them to contribute an important part of taking care of their family if or when a disaster hits. However, there are indeed women whose skills far out weigh that role. They can be as tactical and dangerous as any male when needed.

It’s not a matter of feminism, equal rights, or political correctness. It’s a simple honest fact. The assumption that the role of protector is a male’s job, can be one of several issues that can frustrate and even infuriate the female prepper. Why? Hear it from a female prepper’s point of view via Primal Survival and take heed. It may be a concept that will save you one day.

Why It’s Sometimes Infuriating to Be a Female Prepper


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