Could Your Supplies be Deemed Illegal?

Could Your Supplies be Deemed Illegal?


Could Your Supplies be Deemed Illegal?


Is it possible that all your scrimping and saving to be responsible and prepared could eventually get you in legal trouble? Honestly I doubt that, but I have not a single doubt that your supplies could be legally taken away from you!

In a time of chaos you could be the target of looters and or marauders and lose your supplies that way. That is an unpleasant fact that we all are aware of and many of us have plans to protect ourselves and what we worked hard for from that scenario. But what can you, or should you do, if the people demanding your supplies aren’t civilians? What will you do if defending your supplies would make you a criminal and those attempting to take them from you are members of our own military forces or local police? What if it is illegal to refuse to turn them over and your being incarcerated for said refusal would only add your absence to the loss of your supplies to the hardships your family/group would bear?

Could this become a real scenario?


The Present Legal Support for Seizing our Food and other Supplies


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