Recycle and Reuse Cardboard Tubes

Recycle and Reuse Cardboard Tubes

Recycle and Reuse Cardboard Tubes

Photo from

Many preppers save old toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes, then fill them with lint or other flammable materials to create fire starters with. But after a while there are only so many fire starters you can store before it becomes enough! I reached that point rather quickly with a family all using these paper products. So, what to do with the extra tubes? I hate to throw them away because I know they have a defined secondary use. So, I was thrilled to find this article that gives 30 different ways to use them.

Preppers and homesteaders both worry about keeping little hands busy during a crisis situation. Both because we know we will be busy with the job of keeping everyone alive and well and because we don’t want the children in the family or group to be frightened. Keeping those little hands occupied during that time of chaos would be a blessing. These simple projects would be perfect for keeping those hands busy and those curious minds focused. Then when and if needed those used tubes could be reused again for making fire starters.

See the ideas in the link below and then add your own!

22 Things to Make with Cardboard Tubes:


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