Safety around downed power lines in and out of your car

Safety around downed power lines in and out of your car

Safety around downed power lines in and out of your car

Photo: King5News

Almost every type of region has wind storms in one season or another and if some how yours is spared wind storms there are still power lines across the country and the western world. Auto verses a power pole can be serious enough without the added issue of live power surging through those lines! Knowing what to do if you encounter downed live wires is a no nonsense necessity for everyone. One misstate could cost you or a loved one their life.

No matter the situation  an accident or a storm etc.. there are some tips that must be a priority for safety when power lines are a factor.

– Always assume a power line is live and energized.

– Avoid touching the downed line with your hand or an object, such as a stick, broom or pole.

– Avoid touching anything — or anyone — that is in contact with a power line. (Direct or secondary)

– Keep children and pets away from fallen electric lines. (A minimum of 35′)

– Avoid driving over a fallen power line.


More specific instructions if you find yourself in a vehicle in contact with power lines. Note it doesn’t matter if the power line has fallen on your vehicle or if you some how knocked the power pole over. If lines are down the rules apply!

– Stay inside your car if at all possible.  The ground around your car may be energized.

– Sound the horn, roll down your window and call for help.

– Warn others to stay away. Anyone who touches the equipment or ground around your car can be injured. Instruct others to remain 35′ or more back until first responders arrive.

– Call 911 from your cell phone or ask someone else to do so on your behalf insuring that the operator knows that power lines are involved.

– Wait until the fire department, police or utility workers tell you it’s safe to get out of your car. Follow all their instructions and stay calm.


If you absolutely must exit  your vehicle. There are ways to make it safer but they are risky so make sure that the risk of staying put outweighs those of attempting to exit.

– Remove loose items of clothing.

You don’t want to take the chance that a scarf or jacket etc.. could catch on the car/truck causing you to fall or pull you into touching the vehicle.


– Keep your hands at your sides and jump clear of the car with both feet together. Do not touch the car while you are on the ground nor when you are preparing to jump or while jumping. Keep your hands and feet together. It is important that you land with both feet touching at the same time and don’t fall either forward or backward. This may mean you need to make a smaller jump to insure landing flat footed.

– Keep your feet close together and shuffle away in small steps until you are at least 35 feet away. Keep both feet on the ground at the same time.  More of a slide than a step actually.

Photo: PSE


See it done at the video below



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