Tough Moral Decisions You May Have to Make When SHTF

Tough Moral Decisions You May Have to Make When SHTF

Tough Moral Decisions You May Have to Make When SHTF


We like to think, at least I do, that we have already made the majority of the tougher moral decisions we will have to make when the SHTF. Things like where we will go, who we will take with us, and/or who we will welcome once we are there and things are tough all over.

I can’t speak for any one but myself, but I realize that some of those choices will change as the event unfolds. There will also be those choices that need to be made on the fly so to speak because we can’t pre-judge any scenario with any real certainty. Am I injured? Do I have enough to help others or even another? Do I need leverage or assistance myself? Which choice is best for the long term? What is best for the group I have pre-chosen? Is the group working as it is? etc… You could literally what if yourself to death!

Our friends at The Survivalist Blog have helped to narrow those range of choices down to three larger questions and have some input on how you can make the best of the toughest of questions. See that at the link below

3 Tough Decisions You May Have to Make When SHTF

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