Stun Guns and Self Defense

Stun Guns and Self Defense

Stun Guns and Self Defense

Photo graphic from SASI

There could be a lot of reasons that you might choose a stun gun or tazor over a firearm. Firearm ownership in your location could be illegal. The cost could be out of your current price range or you might simply be uncomfortable with or untrained in their use. Do be warned before you make any self defense weapon lethal or not that simply owning it could be against the law in your area. Always check your local codes prior to purchase.

There is also a difference between stun guns and tazors. If you decide a stun gun is more appropriate for you and your personal situation. Continue to read at the link below for information on specific types to help you decide which would be best for you.

Best Stun Guns and How To Use Them For Self Defense


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