Could a Temporary Tattoo Prevent Drunk Driving?

Could a Temporary Tattoo Prevent Drunk Driving?

Could a Temporary Tattoo Prevent Drunk Driving?

Photo graphic: Inventors spot

This is another of those inventions that if used properly could be an awesome method of preserving public safety. It’s a temporary tattoo that once applied measures the alcohol in the wearer’s sweat then sends a signal to their phone letting them know they have reached a level of intoxication where it is unsafe for them to drive.

It assumes that the person wearing the said tattoo is the kind of person responsible enough to apply the tattoo and then pay attention to the alert. Sadly a large number of those that do drink and drive know before they ever park their car that they are going to consume alcohol probably in amount which will impair their driving and drove to the location anyway.

Personally I feel the best use of this technology would be if the person wearing the tattoo set the alert to go to someone of their choosing’s phone so that they can be guided by the trusted person into returning home safely. As a parent I have always told my children, if you get into an unplanned scenario where you or the person who you are riding with is unsafe to drive to call me. I don’t care what time it is and I will come and get you. And if you plan to consume alcohol in any amount make other arrangements before hand to get home. How many parents would like to apply this tattoo to their teenager prior to an event like prom?  I would!

Check it out at the featured link below from CBS News.

Temporary Tattoo To Keep Drunk Drivers Off The Road


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