What is and What Can You do About Price Gouging During a Crisis

What is and What Can You do About Price Gouging During a Crisis

What is and What Can You do About Price Gouging During a Crisis

Photo: southfloridareporter.com

One of the most frustrating things about any crisis is that there are always those that will take advantage of the weakness, grief, troubles, and needs of others during a crisis. During a crisis we should all be coming together to assist one another not trying to make a profit. Now I am not saying we should run around handing out our personal supplies to those who didn’t want to spend the extra funds prior to the crisis, didn’t believe there could ever be such a crisis or thought that the government and/or more prepared folks would step in and take care for them. None of us are obligated to do that, if you have extra and choose to share or even sell it at a reasonable price that is up to you.

However, those that buy up all of something or add a product to their inventory and then grossly over charge for that product are guilty of price gouging. For additional information on how much of a price increase is too much and what to do if someone tries to take advantage of you, continue reading at the featured link below

What to do if you see price gouging during coronavirus crisis

For information on what authorities are doing about it and how see the link below

California man arrested for coronavirus price-gouging after selling box masks for $300, police say


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