Why Eat Bugs? & Bug Recipes!

Why Eat Bugs?  & Bug Recipes!

eat bugs

Photo from Alex Gunn adventure holiday


Ok, I have seen many pages on Facebook posting about eating bugs but never any real people saying they have tried them. Today you get to see REAL people eat bugs and telling you what they think in the video linked below. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Why Eating Bugs Is The Future  

In a SHTF situation we will have to get protein and nutrients from somewhere… Bugs will be plentiful and for some of us the only time we will ever consider eating bugs. I am frankly shocked to learn how much protein is contained in bugs like grasshoppers.

Eating insects for food

Not every insect is safe for human consumption so before the SHTF we should know which ones are safe and which aren’t!

The Bugs You Can Eat

I have never tried cooking a bug! But in a survival situation if I have other ingredients, I would prefer to cook them into a meal rather than eat them straight from where I found them.


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