Staying Alive After A Nuclear Attack

Staying Alive After A Nuclear Attack

 Alive After A Nuclear Attack

Photo graphic: bioprepper

When I came across this article, I almost passed it by and the after reading it had to think a bit before deciding whether to share it with you. I don’t believe in fear mongering and when I see articles regarding nuclear explosions most of the time that is just what they do. However, I also don’t believe in censorship of information. Prepping is about removing the fear of an uncertain future by preparing yourself to make it through a bad scenario and empowering yourself and if you can others to be self-reliant and informed enough to do the same. So, I chose to feature this article among our other of how to survive it informational articles.

The truth, as I see it, is that the odds of World War 3 beginning with a superpower nuclear blast had significantly reduced until the current conflict in Ukraine. However the chances of a terrorist group or a rouge country like North Korea, obtaining and using such a weapon had significantly risen. Our world has seen a huge leap in technology in the last 50 years and along with the positives brought to us by that technology there is always a negative counterbalance. Those that would make their political views, religious views or personal convictions a reason for terror and or the murder of innocents are often more technologically advanced and capable then we would think.

As with all matters regarding prepping, it is better to have too much information rather than be lacking the one critical piece that saves you in the end. Nuclear technology is out there so the more we know about surviving it the better off we are. Knowledge can be free, and it is definitely the lightest and easiest to carry with us as we go about our daily lives preparing for the worst while working toward and hoping for the best. If you wish to have more information regarding surviving a nuclear blast continue at the link below.

Staying Alive After A Nuclear Attack:Step By Step Guide


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