Cleaning and Filleting Fish

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Cleaning and Filleting Fish


Photo from Paul’s Fishing Kites

One food source if you live in an area with lakes or rivers is fish. (Deep sea fishing or ocean fishing are a whole different sport and food source) Not only are they healthy for us they are an excellent survival food in a crisis situation. Unless the disaster has contaminated the area’s waterways, they are a self-sustaining leaving you free (once you have your catch) to work on other less self-reliant sources like your garden. Although catching them is not as easy as you might think! If your very lucky and the waterway you’re fishing in is heavily populated with fish it may be as easy as dropping your baited hook into the water.

Once you have the fish in hand, there is still the matter of preparing it to be eaten. Your catch needs to be cleaned and filleted. Eating fish scales isn’t dangerous and even has some health benefits but they are not the tasty nutritious part of the fish and if your stomach is not acclimated to this tidbit eating the scales can cause gastric issues. So now that you have the fish lets learn how to clean and fillet it for dinner!

If you’re up for a quick tutorial and not squeamish see the video below. If you would be better served by a pictorial how to step by step see the 3-part article below.

Cleaning a Fish Pictorial



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