Quickly Stop Bleeding

Quickly Stop Bleeding

 Quickly Stop Bleeding

Photo: healthneedscare

Nothing scares a parent more than an injured and bleeding child. It is equally as scary when someone is bleeding profusely, and you are the only other person there to assist while waiting for first responders to arrive. Even those trained to deal with medical trauma find large amounts of blood flowing from their patients makes it difficult to not only assess the patient but to maintain their own composure.

A case in point, recently there was a horrific traffic accident on a well-traveled bridge in Washington state where 4 people died on the site, a dozen people suffered critical injuries and dozens more suffered serious injury. At the time of the accident a CNA and a Nurse were walking across the bridge. They ran to give aid. About an hour later after first responders had arrived and patients had begun being transported, the young couple was interviewed by the local media. The nurse was shaking uncontrollably. The tips contained within the featured article would not have been practical for this situation. However, the point here is the knowing of what to do in a frightening scenario can help you through the trauma of having to do so and it is traumatizing to even those who work within the medical field.

Learning tips and how to do simple medical procedures is imperative not just for crisis scenarios but in everyday life and how to stop the bleeding quickly is an excellent place to start. See the featured article below

9 Ways To Stop Bleeding In Under A Minute


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