Clever Gadgets For Your Survival Stash

Clever Gadgets For Your Survival Stash


photo from PC Walls nets

Admit it we all have a bit of Mr. Gadget in our heart of hearts! These clever gadgets are intended to make you safer and add to your ability to survive in a SHTF scenario. We advocate the knowledge of and ability to use, the primitive old ways . So that you are always prepared for a time when the technology may no longer be available to you like in a grid down disaster for instance or just because you choose to live a simpler less electronically challenged life style. This doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy a new nifty tool that can make life easier or safer. For a peek at 6 of the clever new tools that can make your survival stash better check out the link below.

6 Clever Gadgets Your Survival Stash Needs


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