Does cooking with a microwave destroy necessary nutrients in food?

Does cooking with a microwave destroy necessary nutrients in food?


 Does cooking with a microwave destroy necessary nutrients in food?


I was the proud owner of the first “microwave cookers” on the market about 40 years ago . It was a controversial cooking method back then and many folks were leery of it’s safety, because we didn’t really understand how they worked. We wondered about getting to close to it while it was on and if it produced harmful “waves” even just sitting in your kitchen. Did it leave behind anything harmful on the food prepared within it and even if it could cause medical devices implanted within us to miss fire.

Now we know some of those answers which brings about other concerns with how it cooks our food. Not with what it might leave behind but what it might not! I used to think microwave cooking was equivalent to in home fast food and the biggest health worry was what we put into it. Many food companies developed meals expressly for their ease of cooking along with a quick turn around time. I have always felt they were less nutritionally balanced then the traditional meal cooked at home. But now we are wondering if that is the nutritional concern we should be thinking about and that maybe some of those early concerns with the cooking method were valid. Real or contrived, I don’t frankly know factually. See more information on these concerns at the featured link below from Before It’s News and make up your own mind.

 Cooking with a microwave destroys cancer-fighting nutrients in food and promotes nutritional deficiencies


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