Heading for the Hills: Dealing with Mountain Sickness

Heading for the Hills: Dealing with Mountain Sickness

Heading for the Hills: Dealing with Mountain Sickness

Photo: mountainphotography.com

Whether your plan A or B is to bug out, or if you should be driven out by a disaster, many folks who currently live at or below sea level will be moving up hill as fast as they can. This includes me! For most the higher up the mountain you go the safer you could be from whatever has driven you out of your normal location.

This move upwards would be tiring and stressful for everyone, but for some it could have other unforeseen consequences. Many will find themselves with mountain sickness AKA altitude sickness. Knowing what is wrong and how to deal with it could make all the difference. Learn how from Doctor Alton at Doom and Bloom linked below

Acute Mountain (Altitude) Sickness


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