MIY All Natural Tiger Balm

MIY All Natural Tiger Balm

MIY All Natural Tiger Balm

Photo: thailandpharmacy.net

Tiger balm is well known as a topical solution for pain relief of sore muscles, joints and arthritis. A century old remedy that you can now MIY (make it yourself). Most likely a god send in a SHTF scenario when everyone will be tense, walking, lifting, and moving more than ordinary leading to aches and pains. Having this remedy handy will relieve you and your group and make you very popular with anyone you share with!

There are a whole bunch of recipes for tiger balm out there, but the majority call for processed ingredients like petroleum jelly or paraffin which are not only not completely natural but could be hard to come by during a crisis event. The recipe linked below contains all natural ingredients. If you haven’t ever used tiger balm and want to give it a try prior to investing in the time, effort and costs associated with making it yourself you can read reviews and check out costs at this link >> Tiger Balm

How Do I Make Homemade Hot Tiger Balm?


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